Thursday, October 30, 2008

OKed For Take Off

My doctor stopped in this evening. My chest x-ray was much better, so he discontinued the IV antibiotics. He said that I'm OK to go home. The hospice coordinator is setting up my equipment deliveries and my nurse evaluation visit so that I can be discharged around midday tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to going home and sleeping in my own bed. I'll miss the nurses and aides. There were so nice to me.

I feel so much better. I'm back to my old self. I'm making my way around by myself, holding onto chairs and walls when necessary to make sure that I've got my balance. I enjoyed reading my Bible today. My brother Patricio visited me this afternoon; coming with my nephew Pedro and his wife Belizabeth. My niece Juana also stopped by. Veronica visited me again, after work today. I had a full house today. I guess some folks got a bit worried by the meeting this morning. It got people thinking about what the future may bring.

Don't worry too much. I've gotten extremely well, and am in no rush to go away any time soon. For as long as I'm able I'd like to stay well. We can cross any other bridge when we come to it.

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