Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Tried To Run Away

I tried to run away this morning... well not exactly. But I had to go urgently. So I got up out of bed, and made a run for the bathroom, with the bed alarms sounding. As I said I had to go. My roommate and good friend Arlette yelled at me to stop as best as she could, and called for the nurse. The staff helped me to finish my business, and to get back to bed. I still get short of breath, you know. I was very happy to receive my niece Veronica and her husband Alejandro. They stopped by just in time to help me with lunch. They motivated me to tell stories. I enjoyed reliving the memories of my youth.

I've been eating well. I had already eaten twice this morning by the time lunch arrived. All I can think about now is when I'll be ready to go home. It'll probably still be a few days, but I'm so happy to have my French roommate next to me. It makes it easier for me to sleep more easily at night.

Before I forget, a nice lady stopped by this afternoon and offered Holy Communion to me. I was so happy to receive the Blessed Sacrament, and was filled with joy and happiness. I said my prayers and impressed everyone with my spirit, including the nice young woman who shared the sacrament with me. She said that I made her day, and she walked away with such a big smile. I think she is a "monjita," a nun, although she was in civilian clothes. The expressive joy that arose from me seemed to infect all around.

I think I'll take a short nap now. I hear lots of folks are on their way from Miami. I want to be well rested in case I get more visitors later today.

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